Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dr. Alice Christie

One can easily see that Alice Christie is passionate about teaching and children learning. On Dr. Alice Christie's website, she makes a one time stop for loads of information for teachers. The part of the website that I took extra time with is educational technology.

The educational technology part describes different ways to help teachers that teacher grades K-12. For Internet tools and resources, Dr. Christie explains different terms we see on the Internet and the definitions of the terms. I really enjoyed the part on how to improve a web page. A web page is a way that teachers can not only communicate with students but also parents. When making a web page, we may know what we are trying to say but may not always be clear. Dr. Christie gives examples like using constant fonts and making sure the web page is on a appropriate reading level.

Internet safety is also another topic I explored. It is very important that we as teachers know what is allowed and what is not allowed on the computer for children. Dr. Christie has a 45 slide power point that gives wonderful facts on the internet and technology. During the power point, she states how cell phones can help prevent bullying. One can video or take a picture of the incident and then get help.