Sunday, August 23, 2009

Did you know 3.0?

In Did you know 3.0?, there were so many facts that are around us each and everyday. The last question of Did you Know 3.0? asks what does it all mean? This makes me aware of how fast technology is growing. There are times that I really wonder how there can be a faster computer or a smaller cell phone, but this is just another task for man to accomplish.

One of the facts was that India has more honor roll students than America. I know there are many times that I feel we Americans are on top of the world. This fact makes it very clear to me that we are just apart of the world. From these facts we may can learn from other countries.

The clip also shows me how times have changed. The part of Did you Know 3.0? that states 1 in 8 couples met online was amazing to me as I look back on past times. If I would have asked my grandmother if she would have thought that her grand kids would see what they have saw, I know she would say no. Even with all the advancements I have saw in my life, I feel there is way more to come.


  1. I think it is also amazing to think about how our grand parents would feel about what we're going through nice post

  2. It is wierd how times have changed. I enjoyed your blog.

  3. I enjoyed your post! I totally agree that times have changed tremendously and I have a feeling that there is more to come too.

  4. I agree! times have changed..I know my grandparents are amazed at where we are with technology right now!
